Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #99

Hi Everyone,  can't believe I missed the last couple of WOYWW's over at The Stamping Ground.  I sure missed visiting everyone.  Things have been a little crazy.  A good family friend passed a few weeks ago and blogging hasn't been a priority.  We will have to see if I am able to get a project in for Julia's WOYWW #104 "PiF"  I really want to be part of it!  It sounds like so much fun. 

Lot's of stuff going on, my DH has been nagging me for weeks to make him some more stencils for his "Tailgating Winnebago"  Yeah, he bought an old Winnebago and transformed it into his game day tailgating party bus.  Naturally my Cricut made all the stencils for his decorations inside and out...lmao.  Had to buy the 24 x 12 pad just for his stuff.  Needless to say my project had to be put on hold...

Can't wait to go on blog-about and see what's on your workdesk!  Thanks for stopping by, bunches of hugs


Elaine Harding said...

I rarely have time to get my cricut out - don't have a designated space for it and as it's not to hand, it doesn't get used! Love what it can do though - what a fantastic space you work in, everything to hand - love it!

Cathy said...

Fab busy desk, and your hubby's project sounds fun .. a party bus!!!
Cathy xx

Spyder said...

Love your crafty space and seeing I'm missing mine so much,can I move in?? Lucky you having a cricut, show us hubby's Tailgating Winnebago (???) over here, I'm guessing you're over the pond (our father's day isn't til June..spied on your sidebar) and tailgating must mean something completely difference to what it means here... Have a happy WOYWW

Sarpreet said...

dont often see a cricut on tour, gorgeous card on top of your desk, lots of lovely goodies there, Happy WOYWW 99, Thank you for sharing your desk with us much appreciated it. A great desk. #31.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Holy cow. That's true love. Putting your project on hold while you make art for your hubby's Winnebago means there is a special gift in heaven for you, I'm sure. Happy WOYWW. Guess you know, I'm # 16 this week.

Andria said...

Andria #29

HarmonySweetpea said...

So cool that your hubby wants you to create things. The closet I got was my hubby suggesting I do a scrapbook layout on his new band album LOL

Helen said...

Sorry about your friend. I hope we are going to see the fruits of your labours with the winnebago, and get to see some pics!

Tuire Flemming said...

I´ve lost some WOYWWs, too... :(
A party bus sounds really exciting!
-Tuire #48

Neet said...

Would love to see your DH's Winnie on here. Happy WOYWW. Hugs, Neet x

okienurse said...

WOW! Your husband is lucky he has a wife that loves him!! Tailgating has gotten to be a big thing here in Oklahoma too! When the college team plays everyone come out with their grills, lawn chairs, and even some big screen TV's. Looks like a circus in town. Thanks for sharing. Vickie aka okienurse #37

Sarah said...

Glad to see you again - got to make my project too!! would love to see what you made for Hubby...
Thanks for the peek - enjoy your week!

Sarah at 8.

Glenda said...

Great workspace! Thanks so much for sharing!

shazsilverwolf said...

I have been missing a few WOYWW lately- it seems Wednesday gets here faster each week! and life gets in the way sometimes. TFS, Shaz #76

Minxy said...

Plenty to see here
Happy WOYWW x
StAy InKy
hUgS MiNxY x

Amber Alvarez said...

How fun! I love that you're helping hubby with your crafty powers ;) Happy WOYWW! xoxo Amber #20

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

Let's hope hubby will be returning thefavour to you by helping you with some of your crafty projects too. I love using my Cricut too but don't use it enough really.
Happy woyww
Rebecca (38)

Sherry said...

It sounds as though your DH is keeping you busy, but it also sounds like a lot of fun!

Thanks for visiting my desk earlier too.

Sherry (47)

Angie said...

Wow ...when are we going to see the master piece ....sounds amazing.

voodoo vixen said...

Oooh I think I lost some bits in translation as I am not sure what tailgating is.... if it isn't driving up the backside of the car in front!! So sweet of you to spend your craft time doing hubby stuff too! Annette #5

Ciara said...

Sorry to hear your news :-( But it's really cool to have you back again :-)

You'll have to show us all some pics of the newly decorated Winnebago party bus, it sounds fun!!

Chrissy said...

Sorry for your loss. Welcome back to WOYWW. Does the Gypsy make using the Cricut easier? I'm thinking of selling mine but I keep going back and forth on the idea...
Chrissy #106

Ohhh Snap said...

My condolences on the loss of your friend. Isn't the Gypsy the bomb? :D Lovely work space. TFS! #45

Carola Bartz said...

How nice of you to make stencils for your husband!

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hi there Marjo, seriously hard work going on here..what fun!! thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

HeARTworks said...

Wow! You should show us the party Winnebago! I am so curious to see what it looks like! Patsy from

Sue from Oregon said...

What a fun, fun project you have started. You will have to show that for a WOYWW when it is done!

Julia Dunnit said...

Yeah, I need an explanation of tailgating Winnebago too! Great idea for the Cricut use - we need to see results too! Am sure your mojo will come back - be gentle with yourself, these are difficult days.

Di said...

A party bus? What fun!! And, as another Brit. I don't now what tailgating is, over here it's another car trying to sniff your exhaust pipe while you pray you won't need to stop in a hurry and end up with a crumpled rear end! Thanks for calling by! Hugs, Di x

Clare said...

I really must get my cricut out more often, I seem to use the silhouette more. Love the peace signs! Thanks for sharing, and my condolences about your friend. Love, Clare # 104

Kezzy said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Your OH is a lucky guy, im afraid my crafting would probably come first how bad am i lol. Love your workspace, thanks for letting us take a peek. Kezzy x

Nicky said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. can we see some pictures of the bits you have done for DH - thanks for the peep at your desk x

Tertia said...

Sorry to hear about your friend passing.
Sounds like your husband has some fun bus going on there.
Happy belated WOYWW

Elizabeth said...

Hi Marjo, your desk looks great and your post is very interesting - what is 'tailgating' in this context? Here tailgating is the practice of driving too close to the vehicle in front - not to be recommended at all so I guess it means something different where you are. I know what a Winnebago is so I'm green with envy there - I'd love one but would settle for a tiny campervan though. It is great that you can use your cricut to decorate it - would love to see some photos. Elizabeth x #108

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