Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful Blogger Award

Awesome and so sweet,  I have been awarded this Stylish Blogger Award by 2  wonderful ladies and fellow bloggers.. Ginormous thanks to  Hazel of Didos Designs  and Laney of  Laney's Place. 

Now like most awards, there is a catch, it comes with the following instructions: 
  • Step 1 - Make a post linking back to the person who gave you the award!
  • Step 2 - Share 7 random things about yourself
  • Step 3 – Award 7 recently discovered bloggers with this award
  • Step 4 – Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won the award. 
Here's my 7 Random things:
  1. Love to Laugh
  2. Enjoy crafting with Maddie
  3. My laptop has become an appendage
  4. Hate my new cell phone
  5. Get a kick out of blogging
  6. I'm a night owl
  7. Love my job, no it's not
 Now for my 7 Blogs I have recently found:
  1. Angela
  2. April 
  3. Jess
  4. Liz
  5. Priyanka
  6. Stitchy
  7. Teri
Awesome blogs each and everyone!

xoxo Marjo


Angela Toucan said...

thank you for thinking of my for this award.

Floppy Latte Designs said...

Thank you soooo much! You have made my day! My very first Blog Award! Very very special!


Unknown said...

"Love my job, no its not crafting" love it lol! And thank you so much for the award Marjo! Going to go and display it now :)
Thank you for your kind comment too! And its because you did an incredible job on that Valentines card, I too love it =)

Priyanka said...

Thank you so so so much, I think u did not nitice, check mt this post, I also gave you this award.
you are really so good to me.

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