Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Whats on Your Workdesk? Wednesday 120

Hi Everyone!

I  can hardly  believe how  much time has flown by since I last joined in all the fun!  Yikes I haven't visited since April.    Although life is still a bit crazy I felt the need to join in this week.    I have truly missed being part of WOYWW's over at The Stamping Ground.    I sure missed visiting everyone. 

My work area is truly a jumble of who knows what...can you tell that I have not cleaned up my area lately....The last card I made right on top of all this stuff...lol  I was in such a hurry and didn't have time to make room first.  Guess that's what I get for forgetting a good friends Birthday!

We just got home from her party and this is what my crafting area will look like when I wake up.  I still have high hopes that the crafting fairies will come by and clean up the mess while I sleep.  Only in my dreams right?

The last time I mentioned helping my DH with Stencils for his tailgating Winnebeavo...thought I would share these pics...lmbo  It's an old old Winnebago...renamed Winnebeavo in honor of the OSU Beaver football team and tailgating (party before, during and after the game...)

Thanks for stopping by, can't wait to go on blog about!  Bunches of hugs,


Crafting Time said...

Super looking crafty space you have there! Have a great day.
Helen x

Helen said...

Welcome back! Good to see your space again, there is lots going on here!!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wish there were crafting fairies - they could join the putting-away-the-shopping gnomes and the ironing-imps :) Envious of your motorhome - Winniebeavo, why?? Hugs, LLJ xx

Neil said...

Thanks for sharing your space this week, I enjoyed visiting and hope you have a fabulous rest of the week.

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Fabulous desk and Winni too!

Clare H

Fuchsia said...

Nice work space!

Sherry said...

If you do see those little crafting fairies, please direct them to me for a little more tidying up - lol. Nice to see your lovely, busy workspace.

Thanks for already coming over to see mine :)

Angie said...

I do hope you had some help from the crafting fairies after your night out ....I just get visits from the messy elves ...well thats my excuse lol

Anonymous said...

Love the tailgating Winnie Marjo and nice to see you back too. I spotted a Grand Calibur next to the Bug on your desk, that gives me a good idea of the size difference as I hadn't seen them side by side before.

Brenda 88

donnalouiserodgers said...

we used to have holidays in a VW camper van as did my best friend, great vehicles but a pain if you were in the bunk bed which doubled as swimming pool/condensation catcher...


JoZart Designs said...

I'd love that Winnebeavo and it would make a great craft place right out on the drive! As for the tidy fairies... no chance ... they're coming to mine and will need to stay for ages!
JoZarty x
Welcome back to WOYWW

Hettie said...

I thought my Monkey was going to be my Crafting Monkey but no chance! I am with Jan who wants the Putting shopping away Gnomes and the Ironing Imps!
Would love that Winniebeavo - a crafting room with a moving scenery-lush!

SueH said...

I’m afraid I’ve come to the conclusion that the Crafting Fairy is a figment of our imagination because I’ve been waiting for him/her to call on me ever since I started crafting seriously, nine years ago……….I’m still waiting Lol!

It’s good to see that your desk looks very much like most of the others I’ve visited this week…….used!
Happy Crafting!

Bubbles said...

Those fairies really do exist... don't they?!? *lol* Love the bumber stickers :) And your craft space is wonderful!

Hope you've had a wonderful WOYWW!
aka Sheleen at PatchworkApples

Cardarian said...

I like your messy desk - no chance that you would get the desk fairies, I have them working at my place! Ha, ha!

Tertia said...

Love the creativeness of your desk. If those fairies ever show up, send them my way please.
Happy WOYWW on Friday

Liz Miller said...

That's such a good idea about having cleaning up fairies. Just like the Elves and the Shoemaker. My son once said the dining room looked as though a grenade had gone off in it after I'd had a craftaing session so I guess it's the bomb disposal team for me. Fairies sounds so much nicer though. Have a good crafting week.
Liz x

lisa said...

It's lovely to see you back and you certainly look as though you're busy with that lovely industrious crafty space.
Hugs Lisax

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