Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? #85

Wow, another week bites the dust!  Once again visited everyones blog...lol  Had loads of fun too, I just love the diversity in the types of crafts, and whatevers I see. 

I did have  some difficulty entering Julia's WOYWW at the Stamping Ground.   last week.  The difficulty was all my won fault..I was in such a hurry to enter that I linked back to the Stamping Ground!  Naturally I couldn't delete the bad link so I entered again with a corrected link...hahaha.  I noticed that quite a few of us must have had similar issues.  Luckily Julia deleted most of the messed up ones.  I left the wrong number on my comments, didn't realize my number would change...guess deleting the bad links does change our numbers, oh well made for some excitement.

Mega thanks to everyone that managed to stop by last week and make such sweet comments.  Maddie and I loved reading all of them. 

Alrighty then on to this week.  My desk is full of paper stacks.  I am starting a new project and need to find just the right paper.  I am hoping that the right paper will give me some inspiration! 

The digis and stamps on the left are leftover from the girls on Sunday.  Some of them are blurry, my rule is only Nana throws things from her crafting area in the trash! 
Here's what I was working on last week

Here's what the girls made for their Dad's Birthday
Here's my Blog Candy

Click the pick if you want a chance to win it!

Sorry for the long post, thanks for stopping by.  Can't wait to visit and see what's on your workdesks this week!  Psst might not make it to all of them right away... I try to do at lease 50 a day...did I mention that I have blisters on my fingertips...or that I stay up until there are close to 50 entered...ugg I am really an addict!

Hugs, Marjo


Sarpreet said...

i do the same - look through lots of paper packs, Great busy desk, Happy WOYWW 85, thank you for sharing.

jude said...

Love your creations this week and oh havent they done great creations for their dad!Wonder where they get the talent from.....
Yes i am a wee bit like you ,i do it the other way round colur my image then do the paper thingy...bit upside down some say but suits me fine.Have fab wednesday loveeee your candy K &co one of my favs!
hugs judex5

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Mm so agree with your post re choices etc. trouble is too much to chose from and then when we do choose - not quite the right colour to go with it! so then we buy some more..sigh! love your cards though and thanks for sharing.
Shaz in oz.x

Pam said...

HAHA! Yeah, we're always in such a frenzy when we connect w/Julia's right? Looks like your girls are following in their mama's crafty footprints. Hope you're ready for that! Those papers look gorgeous! Aloha Nui, #8.

Helen said...

Loving all that paper!!Have a great day.

Tuire Flemming said...

Hah haa... I noticed your wrong number last week and if I remember right, you wasn´t the only one :)
Wow, you have lots of lovely papers there!
Tuire # 43 (I guess)

Wiccababe said...

hi Marjo,
don't think I recognise those paper pads
have a great day
Debbi #39

Tuire Flemming said...

Can´t be true - my number is #45! :DDD

Sue said...

Hi ya
oh so much lovely papers, takes me forever to choose what i want to use, gorgeous creations,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (26)

Karen said...

Gorgeous creations that you have been making :)

Lovely PP's to choose from as well :)
Have a great Wednesday,
Karen #62

sandra de said...

Such lovely papers, sometimes too many choices is the difficulty. Lovely creations.
sandra #66

Susanne said...

Lots going on here today. I find paper does inspire me a lot; reminding me of photos I want to scrap. Good lucking find just the right one. Happy WOYWW!

Chrissie said...

Those paper packs look interesting.
I've bought loads because I like the look of the papers and then can't think how to use them creatively!
Chrissie #75

karen said...

Those papers are so pretty! But I am not going to ask what they are because I will not buy any more paper until I use what I have ... and that may be years and years from now, lol!
I love the purse you made as I commented earlier on that post! And the kids cards are sweet! It is so great that they are learning card making at such an early age!
xoxo Karen (#79) (I think!)

Joey said...

Hi Marjo

gorgeous creations, arent the ones from the children the best!!
love the look of those papers

Joey xx

Glenda said...

Wonderful work area! I think I must work backwards. I always choose my image and then try to find paper to work with it! Maybe I need to try your way!

HarmonySweetpea said...

Nothing like a new paper stack to inspire a new project. Can't wait to see what you create Marjo. Can't believe you made it to everyone last week. I guess if I had a better computer and faster internet I'd manage it too but mine is pitiful slow.

Julia Dunnit said...

An addict is what you are - me too! Great rule about throwing stuff out Marjo, such a good idea - not control freaky or anything!! I can't really help with the paper choices - al three of those pads look fab to me.

Anonymous said...

Can never make every ones desk unfortunately so try to go up in 5s from where I start and then down in fives after, get a few different ones each week so thats good fun.
Love all your paper stacks.
x Tricia (80)

Elizabeth said...

Hi, I'm always making mistakes with my numbers each week, think I've got it right this week though :) Lovely papers on your desk this week. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Elizabeth #78

oneoff said...

Those paper pads are gorgeous - so much paper, so little time! Glad to see you've passed on those crafting genes.


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

In my sorting out of everything to fit it all into my new craft room, I found two folders of paper and decoupage that I have bought over the last few years. One of my resolutions for this year is to find a use for all of it. I rarely buy paper now, either printing it from discs or creating my own from photos. Hope you find exactly the one you need for your project.

BrossArtAddiction said...

I did notice there were a bunch of links that lead back to the stamping ground...lol...it happens. Lovely paper packs, I do the same thing! My favorite part of card making is looking through the paper!

Happy WOYWW and thanks for the peek! :D


Angie said...

How cute are those bits your daughters created. Love the busy creative desk

Minxy said...

You weren't fibbing when you said alot of paper were you lol, hope you find the right one.
Thanks for visiting me
Minxy #1

Tertia said...

OOOHHH those papers look yummy! Only nana gets to throw things away, makes a lot of sense. Think thats gonna be a new rule in my craftroom from now on.
Tertia 110

Lavinia said...

What a productive space! the girls cards to Dad are lovely & I do the same thing with paper, get it all out to give me some ideas! Then put it all back, as I cant bare using some of it as its so nice!! How bad is that! Take care! Good candy!

minnie_mac said...

Oooh ... what gorgeous papers, and lovely cards.


Rhonda said...

Hi Marjo! Awesome desk this week. Love all your papers. I entered your anniversary giveaway!! :-) Thanks for stopping by my desk! Happy WOYWW! #15

Mrs A. said...

Love those paper stacks. Can you just hold them up one by one to the camera please so i can take a peek!
Hugs Mrs A. #92. (now I know why my number changed)

katemade designs said...

Great desk. love all the little drawers at your finger tips.

HeARTworks said...

I love the cards your kids made for dad. That is so wonderful that they're also into crafts and like to work beside you. Yes, the right paper does inspire you! I'm sure you'll find the right one with that thick wad! Patsy from

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem last week, visited nearly 60 desks before I discovered the bad links had been deleted and I was no longer the number I'd been telling peeps I was! Love all those paper pads on show and great makes, especially from the girls.

Brenda 100

Neet said...

Some great paper on show - just love looking and looking at papers. The girls are creating some great stuff - love what you made too.

Angela said...

So fun to see kids crafting. I encourage mine to play too! Love the frilly lace on the black purse. I love papers...they are so inspiring!

Carola Bartz said...

Yummy paperstacks, love them.

Annie said...

Some really lovely makes this week and I'm sure you will find inspiration amongst all your lovely paper. Thanks for dropping by my blog....You can check out what dumfing is on the link in my side bar if you want to know more :-)
A x

peggy aplSEEDS said...

those papers on your desk are great. sometimes if you have too many choices it makes it harder to choose (i'm sure all the WOYWWers would be happy to get some and leave you with just a few choices, LOL, just kidding! how cute is that, your girls making their own cards! i love it!

Cardarian said...

Oh those papers...I have so many stacks but I almost always come home from a craftstore with more - it is a right addiction! Lovely that you are passing on the crafting skills to the kids!

Handmade with Love said...

I don't know how you do it making it round to everyones desk, well done! I love all of those lovely stacks of papers you have there & the bag u made is beautiful. Have a great week. Tracey x

Unknown said...

well done on getting round to everyone, im trying honest !!! but a silly little thing like life keeps getting in the way

Thanks for the peep

Judie xx 69

Jingle said...

So many cute things! And just LOOK at all of that fabulous paper!

Deborah Frings said...

I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one with lots of papers!! :) I do like your desk - such a busy place.

As for my desk - was a computer one once - has lots of little shelves - perfect for crafting stash!

akilli melek said...

oooh so many nice papers, i love paper - plain or patterned. I think that is why i dont do digiscrapping, cos i need to have that touchy feely moment with the paper.

thanks for popping by earlier

caroline #53

Lorie Ballard said...

I love paper. Hope you were able to find just the one you wanted. :)
Thanks for stopping by my space.
Lorie B. #72

Ciara said...

You're a better woman than I am if you can make it around all the desks!!

Ooo, look at all that lovely paper. I want to reach in and have a good flick through it all!

okienurse said...

WOW your post is loaded with all sorts of fun things. Love all those gorgeous paper packs! I love to just look through the stash. Love me some paper! Thanks for sharing.

Lynne said...

I've done that before, linked back to Julias. Great work space and candy.

Priyanka said...

again a stunning look from ur desk, stunning

Scrapcollectr said...

Poor you, having to look thru all those luscious papers! Lol
Love your projects and you're such a good sport for getting around to all the blogs (I think there should be an award for that-- hint, hint).
Thanks for visiting me!

Pauline said...

Lovely stack of papers on your desk! Love the cards by the kids, they are so sweet! I tried to leave you a comment last week, but blogger was playing up, lets hope it works this week! xx

Pauline said...

Yay it worked! x

Sue Althouse said...

Oh, look at all that great paper! And I love all your clear plastic storage drawers - so neat! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Sue #102

Anne said...

I know what you mean about the sore fingers - it takes me a while to get round and I don't manage everyone these days - but I do so love the peek into everyone's lives that WOYWW provides!

I love your family crafting - what lucky girls they are!

Spyder said...

ohoooo love those papers and so many of them!! Lucky girls to get to craft with you!!

Happy Woyww

Nicky said...

Love those papers on your desk and great project that have been done ~ Nicky 24

Susan said...

Love your paper pads Marjo. I am addicted to paper and have just ordered two new Basic grey pads (or was it three?). Thanks for visiting.
Susan xxox #19

Alisonw30 said...

Great paper stacks and projects. Thanks for sharing

Alison x

SueH said...

Oh Marjo, all those gorgeous paper stacks (she says, drawling)………surly you must have found something in one of those for your project.

Love the cards the girls made. I bet their daddy was over the moon to receive such wonderful cards from them.


Maggie's Crafts said...

Running late this week...

Great pics. Thank you for sharing!

Maggie @ http://maggiescraft.blogspot.com/

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